Friday 9 May 2014

2. Introducing Joshante Amihiya

Joshante Amihiya is the brains behind JA Wealth (I use the term loosely).

If you want a laugh, read this guff he's written about himself in the third person. The repeated grammatical butchery is his own:

Joshante Amihyia is one of the most exciting young entrepreneurs in the UK, as mentioned by many bloggers and tabloids, and having been spotlighted from a young age. At the age of Twenty, his successes already speak volumes; in only but a few years, he has pursues more of a lifestyle that a career, and the evidence is from his ownership interests in three existing businesses and is actively involved in many others � it�s safe to say he�s come a long way from his playground enterprise schemes. Coming from a large family, the value of hard work was instilled in him from a young age, and it shows. The determination to go above and beyond for success seems to be a driving power- something which is clearly shown in his meteoric rise in the entrepreneurial world. He started as anyone would, with articles and news reports about him in local newspapers. This was followed by a Student of the Year award, with the tabloids describing him as a �The next Richard Branson� � A high praise for anyone. A move from West London to South London was a pivotal point in his life. There were choices that needed to be made, and this was evident to Joshante. He believed out of all the choices, there was only one that really mattered. This choice had two options. Needless to say, he chose the latter and since then he hasn�t looked back. Working in various areas such as retail and banking gave him the knowledge, experience and confidence to eventually set up his own business. From here, the only way is up. He has since been involved in the world of Stock Trading, Working at a private fund gives him the opportunity to become profitable, but he is also involved in another arm of the business, providing support and services for novices and experienced traders alike. He hopes by chasing his dreams, and achieving them, others will acknowledge their own potential and go after it with the same hunger, drive and ambition he does. He�s all about making a difference.

Joshante owns multiple businesses?? Not according to company house! In fact he only owns one - JA Wealth.

What evidence is there of newspaper stories acknowledging his achievements, as claimed in his illiterate spiel above?

The only evidence I can find is that he copped off with a 16 year old X-factor dropout, and that during the course of their "volatile" 6 month relationship he bought her a rather hideous football encrusted with jewels. 

Any evidence of business achievements? erm... nope.

UPDATE: for some reason, since the publishing of this blog, Joshante has thought it necessary to remove some key work experience from his LinkedIn CV. Luckily we have it here for you, rescued from the site's cached pages and preserved for ever:

Why has he now decided to hide his temping work at House of Fraser? And why has he also got rid of the details of his work in sales at Selfridges? Does he feel that such a CV exposes him as having basically zero experience in the financial sector?

I have been informed that one reason Joshante is hiding his time at Selfridges is that he was sacked from his sales job for stealing. Stealing socks. We have still not ascertained if he stole normal socks or Christmas socks, but more news about this will follow shortly!

Further, we have been informed that he is not a University of Greenwich undergraduate as he dropped out within his first year.

Can anybody see evidence above of the kind of financial background and savvy that would convince you to part with 995 quid?


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