Thursday 8 May 2014

7. Exposing JA Wealth's fake testimonials

Email 09/05/2014

I want to share some information with you!

You know the girl in the final video of the blog!!! The Testimony girl?
Any surprise she is good friends with them???!!
Look further into @jessscott_x twitter.
She is very good friends with all of them. She is also a part of @imnotbait '187 slag mob'
Fake testimony video?? Is this a crime?

I know somethings about Joshante. He spending thousands of seminar money for instagram photos, but is living in a council estate in West London.
How do you think they can afford such decent offices in Citi Bank?

Aha! Busted again!

So we can reveal that Jessica from the JA Wealth website who gave such a compelling, heartfelt, comprehensive and Meryl Streep-esque appraisal of her experiences of the JA Wealth Forex course was... in fact... a friend of Jemaine Berry-Gordon and all the boyz! 

In the words of Captain Renault, "I'm Shocked! Shocked!"

Lets have another look shall we?

So firstly, here's the oscar performance again:

And, finally, here she is bantering with good old JBG (and what an apt expression JBG has got on his cheeky little face!):

And despite her claiming she met the boys on the course, here's proof she was part of the gang months before JA Wealth was spunked into existence:

Well. I've got a feeling that the h8trz r gonna H8.

There's more, there's more!! Here is our Jessica again! Fresh off the 1000GBP course that she would "recommend to anyone", and now, obviously, as an accomplished trader she's well minted, right?? NO!! SHE IS NOT WELL MINTED!! 

In fact, totally weirdly, she seems desperate to pick up a job in sales! Nine to five Lo-o-o-ser!

Gizza Job!

Priceless! and good luck Jessica! Maybe you should try Hollywood?

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